As if the pain of having and living through cancer wasn’t bad enough, diagnosing the disease is, in itself, an …
Waste is a major issue in the modern world, so much that there is a concerted effort among different industries …
In nature’s contest for the survival of the fittest, plants fight just as hard as animals do: In their arsenal …
What if you could fully charge your phone within seconds? That is exactly what researchers at Cornell University say their …
Because the supply of fossil fuels is in no way infinite, researchers are looking for ways to conserve these resources …
A study published in Advanced Materials discusses the discovery of a new supercapacitor that features both stability and a high …
Many microscopic species of fungi and bacteria in the soil infect and damage plants. This makes them the enemy of …
Minnesota’s farmers are using more fertilizer than needed, say the state’s agricultural officials. The state government’s response to regulate the …
Keeping air pollution at bay is an expensive affair. Many entities in the United States’ business community opposed the passing …
Plastic products are a considerable part of modern civilization, but disposing of them is one of today’s greatest environmental problems. …