The conviction that global warming is “settled science” has become firmly established in the American consciousness. Truth be told, around …
Many pregnant women find suffering through a hot summer unbearable, but the reward of having a child makes up for …
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why the left-wing media constantly lies to the American people? It would seem …
We have reached a point in America where the intentional spread of misinformation from the mainstream media is almost to …
You recycle religiously, you ride your bike to work, you bring reusable bags to the grocery store, and you wouldn’t …
Each day, farmers face real-world challenges to produce food, especially in countries where their lives depend upon agricultural success. Managing …
Streams and rivers in Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, and other parts of the central Great Plains are drying up as farmers …
If you’ve ever debated climate change with a leftist or an environmentalist, chances are you’ve heard the one talking point …
Temperature fluctuates, the weather shifts, and the climate never stays the same. It doesn’t matter where you live; it has …
A new study suggests that extreme sea levels pose a danger to millions of people around the world and that …
The church of climatology persistently drives global warming fear into their congregation, to ensure that followers will continue believing, continue …
(Freedom.news) Desperate to regain control of the narrative after recent polling has shown that the public isn’t buying into the …