Tuesday, August 15, 2017 by Tracey Watson
The conviction that global warming is “settled science” has become firmly established in the American consciousness. Truth be told, around the globe, those who do not accept catastrophic man-made global warming as fact are viewed as pariahs, delusional, out of touch with reality, perhaps even not in full possession of their mental faculties. After all, scientists from around the world have proved that climate change is a massive problem and our planet is headed down the path to destruction, right? Well, no, actually.
Though there are many scientists who do preach the religion of global warming, there are many, many others who do not. And, even those who insist that the data proves climate change should not necessarily be believed. An excellent example of this recently emerged in Australia, where temperature readings suddenly plunged after the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) ordered an end to “tampering.”
Climate Depot is reporting that after the BoM began investigating temperatures recorded at weather stations in Australia, they determined that there were a number of cold weather stations that were not “fit to purpose,” and which would need to be replaced. At the Thredbo Station, for example, very low temperatures were somehow mysteriously not making it into the official record. After making changes to ensure that the station is now “fit to purpose,” recorded temperatures have suddenly dropped below -10°C (14°F), after showing readings of around -9.6°C in June and July.
The BoM was alerted to possible irregularities at the station by Lance Pigeon, an employee who claimed to have seen a -10.4°C reading on the BoM’s website change to -10°C and then disappear entirely. (Related: Discover what else they’re hiding at ClimateScienceNews.com)
Though the BoM has tried to downplay the incident and insist that these adjustments were just part of quality control measures, Climate Depot notes:
[B]ureau chief executive Andrew Johnson later told Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg that investigations had found a number of cold-weather stations were not “fit for purpose” and would be replaced.
The BoM has admitted that, in addition to Goulburn and Thredbo Top, stations at Tuggeranong in the ACT, Butlers Gorge and Fingal in Tasmania and Mount Baw Baw in Victoria would be replaced.
Media sources have reported that electronic smart cards were fitted at some of the BoM weather stations which would automatically limit how low temperatures could drop in the readings.
Dr. Jennifer Marohasy, a scientist at Thredbo Top station who personally saw a reading of -10.6°C disappear from the record, stressed that this was no technical error or equipment failure.
Dr. Marohasy noted on her website, “To be clear, the problem is not with the equipment; all that needs to be done is for the smart-card readers to be removed. So that after the automatic weather stations measure the correct temperature, this temperature can be brought forward firstly into the daily weather observation sheet and subsequently into the CDO (climate data online) dataset.” (Related: Over 30,000 scientists say catastrophic man-made global warming is a complete hoax and science lie.)
This is by no means an isolated example of inaccurate research “proving” the global warming theory.
In 2016, the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCEP), affiliated with both the London School of Economics and the University of Leeds in Britain, was caught stealing millions in taxpayer dollars to produce phony global warming data. A paper produced by the CCEP, known as the Stern Review, was very influential in shaping global warming policy in the U.K. Now, the report’s contents and conclusions have come under serious scrutiny.
There are many more instances of serious tampering with the so-called “evidence” proving man-made global warming. It is now more important than ever before to find reputable sources of trustworthy scientific fact.
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Tagged Under: Tags: anti-science left, climate change, fake science, global warming, junk science, scientific data, scientific fraud, tampering, temperature data