09/21/2021 / By Ethan Huff
It did not get much coverage at the time, but a 2016 study found that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are good for the planet and have helped to “green” it over the past 30 years.
Contrary to what the climate alarmists say, greenhouse gases are not destroying our earth. Some 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries agree that the roughly 70 percent increase in CO2 that has entered the atmosphere over the past several decades has helped the planet rather than hurt it.
“The amount of vegetation growing on the earth has been increasing every year for at least 30 years,” reports Climate Depot. “The evidence comes from the growth rate of plants and from satellite data.”
The paper in question includes satellite data collected over a long period of time. It reveals that over the past 30 years, green vegetation all around the world has increased by 14 percent, which would not have been possible without CO2.
While greening generally occurred everywhere, it was most prominently observed in the arid deserts of Northern Africa, and particularly in the Sahel region. Some of the Sahara Desert has actually re-greened, thanks to all that extra CO2.
“This is because plants lose less water in the process of absorbing carbon dioxide if the concentration of carbon dioxide is higher,” Climate Depot adds about the situation. “Ecosystems and farms will be less water-stressed at the end of this century than they are today during periods of low rainfall.”
Back in the summer, we reported on similar research that identified CO2 as a benefit for the planet rather than a detriment.
Researchers from the Center for Environmental Research and Earth Science (CERES) found that contrary to the prevailing narrative, greenhouse gases are beneficial. And most of them actually come from the sun rather than from factories and vehicles.
Al Gore certainly does not want to hear about this, but it is the truth. And anyone out there who is intellectually honest about this particular subject needs to hear and ponder it as well, even if it goes against everything they were taught in school.
There have been thousands of experiments conducted over the years confirming that greenhouse gases help more plants to grow, including food crops. This is beneficial for animals and humans, who would otherwise be starved out of existence were it not for CO2 in the atmosphere.
“This greening is good news,” Climate Depot adds. “It means more food for insects and deer, for elephants and mice, for fish and whales.”
“It means higher yields for farmers; indeed, the effect has probably added about $3 trillion to farm incomes over the last 30 years. So less land is needed to feed the human population and more can be spared for wildlife instead.”
Unfortunately, none of these facts ever get mentioned in all the mainstream chatter about “global warming” and “climate change.” All we ever hear about are how bovine flatulence and gas-powered cars are supposedly “destroying the planet” with all that CO2.
It is about time we set the record straight on greenhouse gases, which are necessary to maintain life on earth. Without greenhouse gases, all life would cease to exist and the earth would quickly become a barren wasteland. Is this what the climate fanatics want?
“By the influence of the increasing percentage of carbonic acid in the atmosphere, we may hope to enjoy ages with more equable and better climates,” says Svante Arrhenius, a Swede who is credited as being the first to measure the “greenhouse effect.”
The latest climate-related news can be found at ClimateScienceNews.com.
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Tagged Under: carbon dioxide, Climate, climate change, climate science, CO2, Ecology, environment, global warming, greening, research, vegetation