08/14/2023 / By Ethan Huff
All the hot weather this summer that the globalists desperately want us to believe is because of “global warming” and man-made “climate change” is a government psy-op involving weather manipulation and the triggering of volcanic eruptions, i.e., the Hung Tonga explosion that occurred in January 2022.
A veteran intelligence analyst and former United States military officer told State of the Nation that a program called Operation Heat Wave was launched to trigger the Hunga Tonga explosion and later trigger the “heat wave” that we are told is now occurring in 2023.
Because the Hunga Tonga explosion occurred underwater – and probably also because it was the product of government geoengineering – it received very little media attention. Very few people even know it happened, and even fewer are tying it to the very hot summer that people in some parts of the world are reporting.
“When the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano erupted on Jan. 15, 2022, it sent a tsunami racing around the world and set off a sonic boom that circled the globe twice,” reports explain.
“The underwater eruption in the South Pacific Ocean also blasted an enormous plume of water vapor into Earth’s stratosphere – enough to fill more than 58,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. The sheer amount of water vapor could be enough to temporarily affect Earth’s global average temperature.”
(Related: Check out our earlier report about the mysterious, puzzling concentric ripples that were seen in the atmosphere during the Hunga Tonga explosion.)
Commenting on the explosion at the time it occurred, Luis Millán, an atmospheric scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, told the media that he and his colleagues have “never seen anything like it.”
The reason, of course, is because it was artificially prompted to create a cascade of seemingly catastrophic “warming,” all to push the myth of global warming and man-made climate change.
In a way, the climate is changing, in some ways, because very powerful people are inducing it through weather manipulation and geoengineering weapons. In this case, Hunga Tonga appears to have been detonated, so to speak, in order to excuse the encroaching “green” agenda while rallying more support for it.
If enough gullible people fall for the lie that extreme weather events are the cause of gas-powered cars and people eating meat, then the government can stage as many Hunga Tonga events as necessary to fuel that narrative while blaming it on We the People.
Just like what happened in the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquakes, which some believe were also artificially triggered, the Hunga Tonga explosion was unprecedented. Seismologists say it bears all the signs associated with a highly technologically advanced directed energy weapon (DEW).
With enough energy directed at just the right location, the powers that be can set off earthquakes and volcanic eruptions at whim, it would seem. And the consequences they are then able to easily blame on whichever bogeyman is popular at any given time – right now it is meat-eaters and people who drive cars and live life that are in the crosshairs for “warming” the planet.
The ultimate endgame of all this is massive depopulation and a recreation of the world under a one-world government. Only a unified global response, we are told, can stop the climate from changing.
Chemtrails play an important role in this as well, as they are used to steer the weather, create rain – or deprive target areas of it – and do all sorts of other nefarious things that most people have no idea are taking place, which is the goal.
The latest news about how the government controls the weather and natural disasters can be found at Geoengineering.news.
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Tagged Under:
big government, Climate, conspiracy, deception, depopulation, Directed Energy Weapon, eruption, explosion, geoengineering, global warming, globalism, green tyranny, heat wave, Hunga Tonga, Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha?apai, inside job, natural disasters, Operation Heat Wave, overlords, Tonga, volcanic eruption, volcano, weather, weather control
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